(203) 515-2335 keith@klingbuilders.com
    Licensed & Insured: HIC.0633209n | NHC.0014044 | WC-27777-H15
    Licensed & Insured: HIC.0633209n | NHC.0014044 | WC-27777-H15

What is the average cost of a kitchen remodel in CT?

The average cost of a kitchen remodel in Connecticut can vary significantly depending on the scope of the project, the location, the quality of materials used, and other factors. For a moderate kitchen remodel, which typically includes updating the kitchen with some new appliances, countertops, cabinet refacing or replacement, flooring, and painting, you can expect to spend anywhere from $15,000 to $40,000. This range may vary based on the size of the kitchen and the extent of the changes made.

For a high-end kitchen remodel that involves custom features, luxury appliances, high-quality materials, and significant structural changes, the cost can easily exceed $50,000 to $100,000 or more.

It’s essential to keep in mind that these are just average estimates, and actual costs can vary widely depending on your specific requirements and choices.

The following photos are from a recent Kitchen Remodeling project we completed in Greenwich, CT. You can click any of the thumbnails below to launch the slideshow. You can click the following link to view our 5-star Houzz Reviews.  To learn more about our custom home remodeling and construction services, you can contact us today at (203) 515-2335 to schedule a no-cost consultation and estimate!